I get a lot of questions and requests for quotes and insight. I always try to offer outreaching writers, reporters, and scholars something in terms of a response, even if the queries themselves are somewhat off-mark. (Sometimes I re-write questions to be more precise, have more inclusive and/or accurate language,
Communication: The Best Way to Fix Anything

I recently corresponded with a writer from SheKnows about “three to five ‘new ways’ to initiate sex that will jumpstart your relationship.” Since I’m not a “sexpert,” this was a bit of a challenge. There are plenty of specific, task-oriented ideas out there, but what’s the bigger overacting issue? That’s what
Tumblr Traffic Is Down By Almost 30 Percent — Guess Why? (Nightline)
Teen Asks: Why Do Teenagers Watch Porn? (Commentary for El Estoque)
Abundant or Accessible: What’s the Problem?

At the very end of last year, I corresponded with a writer called Jeroen Zuallaert. Zuallaert explained he was a journalist working for the Belgian news magazine, Knack.be — with a readership “at about 95.000, [they] are the leading news magazine in the Benelux countries.” The Benelux Union is a political and economic coalition of
Watch ‘Porn Production & Consent,’ Now Available Online

I once again got to organize and moderate the Mindbrowse.com live broadcast discussion event held during XBIZ 2019. This year’s topic was about consent — before, during, and after performers’ time on set. Here’s something I said about it: “This year’s Mindbrowse event was both rousing and eye-opening. It’s not
Sex, Maternal Comfort, and Fauxcest (Commentary for Fatherly)
Speaking, Experiencing Art at AEE 2019
Book Review: ‘Unwanted Advances’ by Laura Kipnis
How Long is a ‘Quickie’? (Commentary for MEL)

I was contacted earlier this month by Andrew Fiouzi, writing for MEL magazine. Fiouzi had an interesting question — What counts as a “quickie”? Here’s his question: “I’m writing a story on the ‘quickie.’ I was hoping you could send me a few sentences based in your expertise/research on what constitutes a ‘quickie’ in the realm of