Friends! Would you like another chance to win a copy of Exposure? Then get on Twitter and tweet/RT to Many Vids at @ManyVids! (NSFW) is the online home of Ginger Banks, a woman who read Exposure and was very affected by it. She posted this sweet message, which prompted Many Vids
No Shame Amber Rose! – New Piece on UPROXX
Interview with @AdultEmpire’s Chelsea & Becky
RT to Win #ReadExposure from @AdultEmpire!
Candida Royalle (1950 – 2015)
Powerful Women Directors Working in Porn (HuffPo Women)

(Some) Powerful Women Directors Working in Porn I recently got to speak to HuffPo Women re just a few of the powerful women directors working in the adult entertainment industry. Reporter Catherine Pearson and I spoke about history, presentation (e.g. smoke and mirrors), and what in the world might compel a
“Transgender porn growing in popularity” (CNBC)

Is transgender porn growing in popularity? I recently spoke to Chris Morris at CNBC (8/27/15) about transgender porn growing in popularity – this adult content production trend and what it means for and indicates about wider social acceptance of transgender people in general. The article draws an interesting parallel, then divergence from,
Are strip clubs bad for your relationship? (interview with Bustle)
Military Escorts – New Piece on VICE
Review of #ReadExposure from The Unlaced Librarian

The Unlaced Librarian, Leandra Vane, has written a fantastic, thought-provoking review of Exposure. My favorite part of the review is where Leandra muses about Exposure‘s genre – is it sociology, or is it autobiography? This is something that’s happened in other reviews before, and it continues to be my absolute