An interesting and thought-provoking assessment/review of Exposure from Noah Berlatsky for Playboy – enjoy! (original here) — Sociologists aren’t particularly sexy. That’s not intended as a dig at sociologists. The statement “sociologists aren’t sexy” is simply a factual observation about the cultural position of sociologists. They aren’t sexualized; they aren’t seen
Exposure – Available Now!!
Is Crowdfunding Done? – New Piece on UPROXX
Happy 4th of July! (and a film review)
AskMen asks: What is Porn for Women?
The days of free Internet porn are numbered – reprint in the NY Post
A World without Free Porn? – New Piece on Men’s Health
“Pioneers of Feminist Porn” on

BOSTON – It was called “Pioneers of Feminist Porn,” but in retrospect a better name for the event might have been “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Porn, But Were Afraid to Ask.” In a wide ranging conversation expertly moderated by sociologist Dr. Chauntelle Tibbals, multitalented directors Candida Royalle
Refinery29 Talks #HotGirlsWanted

Refinery29 recently did a great interview with performer Casey Calvert re her thoughts on the documentary-film, Hot Girls Wanted. I reviewed Hot Girls Wanted for my UPROXX column about a month ago… and a very interesting (read: odd) reference to that review was included in Casey’s R29 interview. I greatly