Kink, a new documentary from director Christina Voros and executive producer James Franco that premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, is getting limited theatrical release this month.

James recently shared the trailer via social media, and a number of mainstream film critics have been reviewing the actual film, including The New York Times‘ Jeannette Catsoulis. People are apparently interested in Kink (the film… and the company too, I bet).

I weighed in re the film’s trailer (embedded below) for – check it out!

Sociologist Chauntelle Tibbals, an expert in gender and sexuality studies, also weighed in on the new documentary for based on this week’s trailer.

“It looks like it has the potential to be a great, insightful exploration of an adult content production company that specializes in various forms of kink and BDSM,” says Tibbals. “I saw key players in the KINK organization being interviewed, as well as several scene performers. Taking the time to speak to people actually involved in a community and/or organization is a key step in getting an accurate picture of what’s going on. This is especially true when talking about smaller niche and/or marginalized populations. Though there’s no way to tell what story’s being told just yet, the trailer alludes to a solid exploration. I’m excited to see the full feature…

I think the documentary has the potential to shed some like on the production of some BDSM and kink porn, which is definitely a dimension of BDSM (and porn) in general. It may be a fine point, but my concern is that folks might assume this account tells the full story of the BDSM community. Though the trailer never claims to do this and though its emphasis is likely clear to anyone familiar with porn and/or BDSM in general, your average person likely only has a relatively superficial understanding of BDSM. Consequently, some folks may regard this as *the* picture of BDSM, verses *a* picture of one production aspect, which is what it actually is.” (here)

Check out more at right – here.


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